Can I send you items to embroider?

Probably once a day we get asked the question by a customer if we will embroider their logo onto an item they will send to us.  It is easy to understand why that question comes up.  Sometimes people have or purchase something and would like to have their logo embroidered on it. In other cases, a business owner finds … Read more

Why custom embroidery for your logo apparel

There are many methods to put a logo onto a piece of apparel.  Companies and organizations who wish to display their brand can choose from a wide array to ways to decorate a shirt.  You want to make sure you are choosing the right method for your company. Embroidery remains one of the top methods of logo … Read more

“What color logo shirts should we get?”

Ever heard anyone ask that question in your office?  Chances are you have.  Chances are , you have even asked it yourself. What you probably don’t realize is that the colors you choose for logo embroidered apparel have a strong influence on your employees, your customers and your business.  Science dictates that many factors significantly influence the … Read more

“What color shirts should we get?” Part 2

There was an outstanding response to my blog entry from last week about.  So I thought I would follow up with some information that I didn’t include last week.  Pretty interesting stuff.  It certainly makes you think twice about the color choices you make. Can color improve performance? A 2009 University of British Columbia study … Read more

Polo Shirt Material Primer

The polo shirt is by far the most popular style of clothing used for embroidered logo apparel.  With so many kinds of material used today to make polo shirts, I felt it was important to define the advantages and disadvantages of the material so you can make the best possible choice for your embroidered logo … Read more

Making Impressions with Logo Apparel

In the world of marketing and advertising, impressions are everything. I am talking about the number of impressions made with your company logo or advertising message. Impressions are the number of people watch a TV show, pass a billboard, read a newspaper ad, see your sign, etc. The concept is simple. The more impressions made the better chance your … Read more

Embroidery vs. Screen Printing

There are a number of methods to decorate apparel but by far the two most common are embroidery and screen printing (aka silk screen or serigraphic).  However, they are very different in terms of their application, benefits and situations in which you would use one over the other. Embroidery is basically defined as decorating fabric using … Read more

Pricing for Custom Logo Embroidery

Pricing custom logo embroidery services can be a very daunting and confusing adventure. So you are ready to purchase some embroidered logo apparel. You go a Google search and find a number of companies from which can meet your needs.  You find a shirt that will work for you company so now you want to know the price.  … Read more

Free Logo Evaluation for Embroidery

If we have said it once around the offices at Customized Guys, we have said it a thousand times.  Not every logo transfers well to embroidery.  So why is that?  It is simple, really. A vast majority of logos are created in one medium-on a computer with a white background.  Makes sense, right? The challenge we … Read more